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Can BPL be Succeed or Not!

Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) already starts Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) T-20 Tournament 2012. So the question is can BPL be Succeed? I think it can be Succeed because the answer is defending this two mater

* Cricket Fans or Supporters
* Arranging of BCB

Cricket Fans or Supporters:

Cricket is the most popular game of Bangladesh. Lot of Bangladeshi cricket fans like to watch cricket match of Bangladesh.
So, if cricket fans support BCB to arranging BPL T-20 Tournament so that it can be Succeed. But if cricket fans don’t support BCB so the result BPL is not Succeed.

But the good news is lots of cricket fan already support them because in Facebook to be created a fan page about BPL and lot of cricket fans doing like, visit & give comment in this the fan page.

Arranging of BCB:

Before BCB successfully arranged how many Big Tournament like Under 19th World Cup, Asia Cup & World Cup 2011. So its not factor of them, although it’s very challenging.

So BCB can must successfully arranged Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) T-20 Tournament.

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